I am looking for “The One”...

The One that wants to save 3-5 years.

The One that demands more of themselves.

The One that simply won’t settle.

The One that knows there's more to be done.

The One that thrives on the pursuit and participation in this game called “entrepreneurship”!

If this is you, you’re going to want to continue reading…

I grew up in a family of brick layers in South London. Naturally, that’s what I also fell into. But one day on the job site, my grandfather told me “If you don’t quit today, you will be me tomorrow”. That hit me!  And that was the moment I quit and started to look for more. 

I kept bouncing from one job to another because I was always moving on to the next thing looking for bigger and better. From bricklayer, to truck driver, to insurance agent, to a solid attempt at being a stockbroker that ended in me becoming a doorman of a shady nightclub… 

All of this in the pursuit to surround myself with more successful people than me and I realized the common thread… I got by providing people access and experiences. This lead to me founding the worlds leading concierge firm for multi-millionaires and billionaires worldwide.

All fine and dandy, right?

Well, AT THE PEAK of my concierge business, we were generating millions each year. BUT I had my head buried in the business trying to grow it and it was pain staking. I was… 

  • making the calls

  • making the deals

  • growing the team

…and doing all the stuff “IN the business” - not enough of the stuff “ON the business”. 

Our growth rate had eventually flattened out and I was banging my head against the wall. But by this point in my career it was near impossible to find books, courses, or programs that could really help me. They just weren’t at the same level.

This was until I met my first mentor.

My first mentor WASN’T in the concierge business and he was doing other things I did not understand. So how the heck could that be the right mentor for me? Two reasons… 

  1. I needed someone who was at least at my level and understood the difference of entrepreneurship at my level.

  1. I needed someone to show me something different.

Like every other stage of my journey, I didn’t know there was more until it was revealed to me. My mentor showed me the ways he worked, the ways he marketed, the services he created, the deals he struck. 

And this is where things really started to change.

Because of my first mentor, I continue to surround myself with multiple mentors from different industries


  • I have been referred to as “The Wizard of Oz” in Forbes magazine

  • I’ve sold my concierge business

  • Struck equity deals with other incredible businesses

  • Developed and grown a global personal brand

  • Published 2 best-selling books

  • Get paid $30k-$40k to speak on stages around the world

  • Have an incredible mastermind community

And it’s only the beginning. Having those people who are in your corner and understand your level are hard to find but well worth it! And now it’s my turn to pull back the curtain.

I present to you my exclusive all-in offer, “The One”!

This is our opportunity to work together and have the most personalized mentorship available for elite-level seasoned entrepreneurs. Podcasts, books, courses, and coaching programs are great but there’s a point where you need more

I know that there’s no “one size fits all” and at this point so do you. So if you want to see how I do things and utilize me as a resource for your next steps forward, here’s what I’m offering you…

  1. 3 Private Full-Day Consults in Los Angeles

    Value = $40,500 

    • So that we can hunker down, put everything on the table, and spend the day going over ideas, making connections, and of course have a drink.

  1. Access to both Sims Speakeasy mastermind events

    Value = $4,000

    • So that you can hear from and connect with speakers of my mastermind events and enjoy time connecting with other like minded entrepreneurs.

  1. Granted Sims Distillery mastermind membership

    Value = $7,161

    • So that you can continue to connect with my mastermind community and gain further expertise from monthly experts.

  1. Weekly consult calls and Open Voxer channel

    Value = $68,400

    • So that you never have to wait to ask for something.

  1. Join me at any/all of my public speaking engagements

    Value = $50,000

    • So that you can see how I approach, execute, and maximize every single gig. As well as get you in conversations with these groups and events to spark your own opportunities on these stages.

  1. Work alongside someone with one of the most notable rolodexes

    Value = $100,000

    • So that when we’ve identified an opportunity to attack, we can make the most effective introductions needed to achieve that opportunity.

  1. The years saved in getting you where you need to be

    Value = Priceless

Total Value $270,000+

For "The One" at only $150,000

Save yourself the years that I've had to waste to learn what I now know!

"There are those that talk a good talk and then there is Steve that lives it."

- Jim Kwik

"Sims just does things differently and it works!"

- Roland Frasier

"Simply put I endorse him."

- Jay Abraham

Here’s how this works:

  1. Click the button to inquire about mentorship

  1. Provide some details about you, your business, and your goals

  1. We’ll have a call (this is $1,500 but is credited if we move forward)

  1. If it is the right fit, we will share the initial invoice and our mentorship will begin!

See what opportunities you might not have tapped into yet!


…this is for the entrepreneur that’s been in the game for a while and is pulling in atleast $500,000 in personal income

This is NOT a guarantee to generate X amount of dollars in X days. 

This IS a guarantee to show you how I do what I do and provide you with all the resources I can to open new opportunities and ideas for you and your business. 

As this is the highest level of attention I can dedicate to someone, this opportunity is only available to ONE entrepreneur a year.

If you are The One, you know how to get this started…

Get the personalized attention courses can't give you!

"Smart. Funny. Savvy. No Bullshit. Working with Steve is investing in yourself. He shows you how to get results."

- Jeffrey Madoff

"In one conversation, the Sims taught me more about personal branding that all 9 books I had previously read on the subject."

- Jason Fladlien

"Steve is impactful. He is the go to guy for the next level of anything you're needing, Podcasts, Marketing or Speaking. He's the guy to help you."

- Joe Polish

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